St. John the Wonderworker Serbian Orthodox Church in Eugene, OR invites you to the 10th Orthodox Family Camp. The goal of this retreat is to provide an environment in which we can be strengthened in our lives as Christians, learn more about our faith and share in fellowship with each other. A pilgrimage and a vacation!
Our keynote speaker this year will be Hiermonk James Corazza, rector of the “Old” Joy of All Who Sorrow Russian Orthodox Cathedral in San Francisco, who will be giving two talks after the Divine Liturgy and trapeza on Thursday, both on the theme of “A Life of Your Own in Christ.”
What is Family camp?
Family camp is an Orthodox camp for the whole family. It is an opportunity to gather with other Orthodox Christians of the Northwest to pray, learn, play, and fellowship together. There are fun activities for kids, parents, grandparents, teens and young adults as well as an opportunity to make new friendships and renew old friendships.
Where is family camp?
The Family camp is located near Eugene Oregon at a beautiful lakeside Kiwanis camp.
Why go to family camp?
The St. John the Wonderworker Family Camp offers the opportunity to retreat from the world and set aside time for prayer, fellowship, classes, and other ways of building the Faith for those who may not have the resources or time to travel to a monastery or other place of pilgrimage. World-class speakers, teachers and helpers experienced with working with children contribute to a full experience of the Church in a beautiful wilderness setting. Every day we gather together to pray Matins, Vespers, and Compline and we always have a mid-week Divine Liturgy. We also have a special children’s Vespers, where the kids get a hands-on opportunity to participate in a service.
Family camp is a fun place for children of all ages. Children, teens and adults will have age appropriate seminars, activities and crafts in an environment that will build their understanding of the Orthodox faith.
When is the family camp?
Monday, July 22 through Friday, July 26, 2013
Registration & materials
Contact Evgenia Prince at