Nathan and his wife Gabriela are working to inspire, train, equip, and lead Albanians to proclaim the Gospel and make disciples in Albania. The Orthodox Church of Albania has experienced a resurrection under the inspired leadership of Archbishop Anastasios.
Nathan Hoppe will be sharing his experiances with us in what promises to be a moving and edifying event.
Saturday, September 1
Great Vespers, 6pm followed by a presentation by Nathan Hoppe on OCMC Missionary Work in Albania.
Sunday, September 2
Orthros, 8:50am
Divine Liturgy, 10am, with Nathan Hoppe as homilist.
Nathan will be available during coffee hour following the Divine Liturgy for informal Q. and A. and one-on-one conversations on the work of OCMC globally and specifically the present missionary efforts in rebuilding and supporting the Orthodox Church of Albania.
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